Metamorphosen von Ovid
(Ovid's Metamorphoses)

read by Burghart Klaußner

translations by Johann Heinrich Voß and Gerhard Fink

arranged by Gerhard Ahrens

'Nothing keeps its own form,
and Nature, the renewer of things, refreshes one shape from another.
Believe me, nothing dies in the universe as a whole.'

Ovid, Metamorphoses Book 15, Pythagoras

Apart from the Bible, Ovid's Metamorphoses is one of Europe's most beautiful and important sources of literary art. As a carmen perpetuum (unbroken epic), it lauds the perpetual transformations and shifts in a world that remains in constant transition for as long as stories are told about it. Ovid, one of the classic poets of the 'Golden Age of the Roman Empire' under the rule of Caesar Augustus, tells his story as a parable of the forced domestication of originally subversive art. Almost two thousand years later, the most celebrated artists of their time – Picasso, Braque, Maillol, Laurens – picked up the thread spun by Ovid in his Metamorphoses in their works, some of which are on show in the exhibition Auf der Suche nach Harmonie. Picassos Klassizismus und die Moderne ('Searching for Harmony. Picasso's Classicism and Modern Art').


Roman-Greek Dinner Menu 
can be booked optionally

Focaccia with tzatziki, olives and pepperoncini

Vitello Tonnato
Veal, Capers, Lemon, Tuna


Feta, Tomatoes, Cannellini


Havelländer Apfelschwein (pomace-fed pig) pork souvlaki
Wild Broccoli, Red Onions, Rice Noodles


Greek petit fours
Yeast, Kataifi, Greek Yoghurt

Please do not hesitate to ask us about vegetarian alternatives either on arrival or also beforehand.