Reading accompanied by music
Auf See ('Afloat')
by Guy de Maupassantread by Richy Müller
Piano: Reinmar Henschke20:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Der Himmel über Brandenburg
('The sky above Brandenburg')
Berlin Impressionism landscapesExhibition Hall
AusstellungseröffnungDer Himmel über Brandenburg
('The sky above Brandenburg')
Berlin Impressionism landscapesEröffnung
15:00 o'clock / Orangery
Der Kleine Prinz
('The Little Prince')
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéryread by Ulrich Matthes
16:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Accompanying program
Der Himmel über Brandenburg
('The sky above Brandenburg')
Berlin Impressionism landscapesCurator-led guided tour
13:30 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
Accompanying programDer Himmel über Brandenburg
('The sky above Brandenburg')
Berlin Impressionism landscapesCurator-led guided tour
15:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
Discussion / FilmDie Mittagsfrau
('Blind at Heart')A film by Barbara Albert
16:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Kammerakademie Potsdam
& Avi AvitalAvi Avital – mandolin
Kammerakademie Potsdam17:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Mit Respekt und Vergnügen
(''With respect and pleasure'')Correspondence between Brigitte Reimann
and Hermann Henselmann
read by Fritzi Haberlandt and
Devid Striesow17:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Accompanying program
Der Himmel über Brandenburg
('The sky above Brandenburg')
Berlin Impressionism landscapesCurator-led guided tour
12:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
Accompanying programDer Himmel über Brandenburg
('The sky above Brandenburg')
Berlin Impressionism landscapesCurator-led guided tour
14:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
Speech / DiscussionEine Gemeinschaft
unter Druck
Europa in unruhigen Zeiten
('A Community
under pressure.
Europe in troubled times')Neuhardenberg Speech
by Jean Asselborn15:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
A collage of words and music
Matthias Brandt &
Jens Thomas:
Die Bergwerke zu Falun
('The Mines of Falun')A collage of words and music from
E.T.A. Hoffmann's 'Elixirs'18:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Music evening
Dagmar Manzel und Band
Sehnsucht ('Longing')Songs by Werner Richard Heymann,
Friedrich Hollaender, Helmut Oehring,
Hanns Eisler and others18:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Conversation and concert
Kit Armstrong
Zeitreisen ('Time Travels')Kit Armstrong plays the organ and the piano,
and talks to Inge Kloepfer19:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Keimzeit Akustik Quintett
Schon gar nicht Proust
('Anything but Proust!')Norbert Leisegang – guitar, vocals
Gabriele Kienast – violin, vocals
Martin Weigel – guitar, vocals
Christian Schwechheimer –
drums, percussion instruments, vocals
Hartmut Leisegang – bass19:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
Goran Bregovic
Wedding and Funeral BandGoran Bregovic – vocals, guitar, synthesiser
Bokan Stanković – trumpet
Dragić Velićković – trumpet
Stojan Dimov – saxophone
Miloš Mihajlović – trombone
Aleksandar Rajkovic – trombone
Muharem Redžepi – percussion
Ludmila Radkova Traykova – vocals
Danijela Radkova Aleksandrova – vocals19:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
21st Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis
('Brandenburg Art Award')of the Federal state of Brandenburg
and the Stiftung Schloss
Neuhardenberg foundationExhibition Hall
The Great Outdoors! / ConcertUte Lemper
Time TravelerUte Lemper – vocals
Vana Gierig – piano
Giuseppe Bassi – bass
Matthias Daneck – drums19:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
Daniel Hope, Jan Vogler,
Marie Sophie Hauzel
Klassik und Film
('Classical music and film')Daniel Hope – violin
Jan Vogler – violoncello
Marie Sophie Hauzel – piano20:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
Konstantin Wecker
Lieder meines Lebens
('Songs of my life')Konstantin Wecker – piano, vocals
Jo Barnickel – piano
Fany Kammerlander – violoncello20:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Reading
Der Gott des Gemetzels
('God of Carnage')
by Yasmina Rezaread by Margarita Broich, Maria Schrader,
Samuel Finzi and Wolfram Koch20:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
Dinner / The Great Outdoors! / Concert / Discussion / Film
Kino trifft Kulinarik
('Cinema Meets Culinary Art')
curated by Dieter Kosslick16:30 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
Heiko Jung – drums
Bernd Römer – guitar
Daniel Bätge – bass guitar
Martin Becker – keyboard
Claudius Dreilich – vocals19:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
DOTA & Filmorchestra Babelsberg
Dota Kehr – vocals, guitar
Janis Görlich – drums
Jan Rohrbach – guitar
Alex Binder – bass
German Film Orchestra Babelsberg
Director: Christian Köhler20:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
Lieder, Sänger und Poeten
('Songs, Singers and Poets')
Fifth Neuhardenberg Singer's
Get-togetherwith Alin Coen, Klaus Hoffmann, Heinz Rudolf Kunze, Max Prosa & Sascha Stiehler, Wenzel and Pe Werner
14:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
The Great Outdoors! / Concert
Lächelnd durch den
Ernst der Zeit
('Smiling through the
earnestness of the times')
An entertaining homage
to Heinz Erhardtwith Max Hopp and his band
18:00 o'clock / Chestnut Lawn
Awards ceremony
The federal state of Brandenburg and the
Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg foundation's
21st Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis
('Brandenburg Art Award')Awards ceremony
12:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Reading accompanied by musicUwe Johnson
Jahrestage – aus dem Leben
von Gesine Cresspahl
('Anniversaries: From a Year in
the Life of Gesine Cresspahl')A performance
Starring Charly Hübner and Caren Miosga
On the grand piano: Ninon Gloger18:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Memorial service
Memorial church service to mark
the events of 20 July, 194414:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
ExhibitionNacht in Deutschland
Verfolgung – Zerstörung – Widerstand
('Night-time in Germany:
Persecution – Destruction – Resistance')Works from the Gerhard Schneider collection
AusstellungseröffnungNacht in Deutschland
Verfolgung – Zerstörung – Widerstand
('Night-time in Germany:
Persecution – Destruction – Resistance')Opening
15:00 o'clock / Orangery
ReadingDie verbrannten Dichter
('The burnt poets')
Based on the anthology of the same name by Jürgen Serkeread by Nicole Heesters
and Gerd Wameling18:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Accompanying program
Nacht in Deutschland
Verfolgung – Zerstörung – Widerstand
('Night-time in Germany:
Persecution – Destruction – Resistance')Guided tour with the collector
11:00 o'clock / Orangery
('Masterclass Student Masters')
Uri Caine and his students
Wagner e VeneziaUri Caine – piano
Marko Trivunovic – accordion
Elaia Quartet:
Iris Günther – violin
Leonie Flaksman – violin
Francesca Rivinius – viola
Karolin Spegg – violoncello19:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
('Masterclass Student Masters')
Jan Vogler Workshop
Final Concertwith Jan Vogler and
his cello class19:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Accompanying program
Nacht in Deutschland
Verfolgung – Zerstörung – Widerstand
('Night-time in Germany:
Persecution – Destruction – Resistance')Guided tour
16:00 o'clock / Orangery
Sylvia Hagen.
Spuren: Bronze – Ton – Papier
('Traces: Bronze – Clay – Paper')Exhibition Hall
AusstellungseröffnungSylvia Hagen.
Spuren: Bronze – Ton – Papier
('Traces: Bronze – Clay – Paper')Opening
15:00 o'clock / Orangery
Avishai Cohen Trio
Avishai Cohen – bass, vocals
Guy Moskovich – piano
Roni Kaspi – drums19:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Reading accompanied by music
Leise, laut, verboten
('Muted, loud, forbidden')
Forbidden literature in the GDRread by Annett Renneberg
and Florian Lukas
Günter Baby Sommer – percussion17:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Accompanying program
Sylvia Hagen.
Spuren: Bronze – Ton – Papier
('Traces: Bronze – Clay – Paper')Guided tour with the artist
16:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
ConcertBertolt Brecht –
Das Chaos ist aufgebraucht
('The chaos has been spent')A Brecht evening with songs by Kurt Weill,
Hanns Eisler and Paul Dessau
with Katharine Mehrling and Tilmar Kuhn
Piano: Adam Benzwi19:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Welt am Scheideweg
Das Ende der Friedensordnung?
('World at the crossroads –
the end of peaceful order?')Panel discussion with Irina Scherbakova
and Herfried Münkler16:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Accompanying program
Sylvia Hagen.
Spuren: Bronze – Ton – Papier
('Traces: Bronze – Clay – Paper')Guided tour with the artist
16:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
ReadingWir sind noch einmal davongekommen
('The Skin of Our Teeth')
by Thornton Wilderread by Imogen Kogge, Caroline Peters and Martin Brambach
17:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Du bist mein zweites Ich
('You are my second me')
Correspondence between
Eva and Erwin Strittmatterread by Corinna Harfouch
and Sylvester Groth17:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Käsebier erobert den Kurfürstendamm
('Käsebier Takes Berlin')
by Gabriele Tergitread by Claudia Michelsen
17:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Accompanying program
Sylvia Hagen.
Spuren: Bronze – Ton – Papier
('Traces: Bronze – Clay – Paper')Guided tour with the artist
15:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
Discussion / FilmIn Liebe, Eure Hilde
('From Hilde, with Love')a film by Andreas Dresen
16:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Kent Nagano:
Lessons of my Life –
what really countsKent Nagano talks to Inge Kloepfer
12:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Puppet theatre
Nußknacker und Mausekönig
('The Nutcracker and the Mouse King')
based on the fairy tale by E.T.A. Hoffmannwith music by Pyotr Ilyich Tschaikovsky
A guest performance by Theater Waidspeicher, Erfurt16:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Puppet theatre
Nußknacker und Mausekönig
('The Nutcracker and the Mouse King')
based on the fairy tale by E.T.A. Hoffmannwith music by Pyotr Ilyich Tschaikovsky
A guest performance by Theater Waidspeicher, Erfurt16:00 o'clock / Great Hall
Castle Market
Neuhardenberger Schlossmarkt
('Neuhardenberg Castle Market')Regional delicacies, Christmas gifts and decorations crafted by artisans, live presentations and a festive pre-Christmas ambience with mulled wine, a fire pit and bread on a stick
12:00 o'clock / Schloss Neuhardenberg
Accompanying programSylvia Hagen.
Spuren: Bronze – Ton – Papier
('Traces: Bronze – Clay – Paper')Guided tour with the artist
16:00 o'clock / Exhibition Hall
ReadingAlle Jahre wieder
('Christmas comes but
once a year')
Christmas giftsread by Udo Samel
17:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
Castle Market
Neuhardenberger Schlossmarkt
('Neuhardenberg Castle Market')Regional delicacies, Christmas gifts and decorations crafted by artisans, live presentations and a festive pre-Christmas ambience with mulled wine, a fire pit and bread on a stick
12:00 o'clock / Schloss Neuhardenberg
ConcertCollegium musicum Potsdam
symphony orchestra &
Ralf Benschu, saxophoneChristmas concert
16:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church
German Brass
Christmas concertWorks by Johann Sebastian Bach,
Georg Friedrich Handel and Antonio Vivaldi,
international Christmas carols17:00 o'clock / Schinkel Church