21st Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis
('Brandenburg Art Award')

of the Federal state of Brandenburg
and the Stiftung Schloss
Neuhardenberg foundation

Laureates 2024:
Painting: Volker Henze (*1950) for the work for T. T., (3), 2023
Sculpture/Installation: Klaus Hack (*1966) for the work Madonnen-Altar, 2023/24
Graphics: Frank Diersch (*1965) for the work Ankunft und Ansicht - Nomad City (Adventus et visum), 2023
Photography: Sven Gatter (*1978) from the series straucheln und lichten (I-VI), 2023/24

Prime Minister of Brandenburg's Award of Honour for a Lifetime Achievement: Cornelia Schleime (*1953)
Young Talent Award for Fine Arts of the State of Brandenburg: Adam Sevens (*1986)

The Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis honours creative achievements in the areas of painting, graphic design, sculpture/installation and photography that have been produced in Brandenburg over the past year. The art award is funded by the federal state of Brandenburg and the Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg foundation. Besides the awards in these four main categories, the Brandenburg State Premier sponsors a lifetime achievement award, and Brandenburg's Ministry of Science, Research and Culture awards an annual scholarship to a talented young artist.

The accompanying exhibition of works by the award-winning artists, as well as a selection of further submissions, is an essential element of the Brandenburg Art Award. It provides insights into what is currently happening on the region's art scene, and showcases the variety and talent of the artists who live and work in Brandenburg. An extensive catalogue will also be published to accompany the exhibition.

Participating artists

AMAJAMAJ, Michael Anker, David Antonides, Andreas Batke, Daniel Becker, Anke Becker, Günter Blendinger, Seonah Chae, Carola Czempik, Frank Diersch, Rainer Ehrt, Jutta Engelage, Jörg Engelhardt, Sonja Eschefeld, Tina Flau, Volkmar Förster, Sven Gatter, Christine Geiszler, André Giogoli, Elli Graetz, Catrin Große, Klaus Hack, Volker Henze, Fred Hüning, Franka Just, Jan Köthe, Stephane Leonard, Christine Lübge, Winfried Mausolf, Mikos Meininger, Bettina Mundry, Anett Münnich, Christa Panzner, Kirstin Rabe, Maren Reblin, Marina Schreiber, Ulf Schüler, Anna Franziska Schwarzbach, Matthias Seyffert, Jutta Siebert, Bettina Steinborn, Rainer F. Steußloff, Henry Stöcker, Erika Stürmer-Alex, Iris Ulbricht, Sibylle Waldhausen, Luise Walter, Astrid Weichelt, Kerstin Wüstenhöfer-Loges, Heike Zappe, Antonius Zehringer

Programme 2025

The Schloss Neuhardenberg's events programme for 2025 will be launched in mid-February.

We look forward to welcoming you again this year to our events, to a stay at Hotel Schloss Neuhardenberg, to your conferences and celebrations and to the Landgasthaus Brennerei.