Nicht schon wieder Essen!
(No more food!)

Literary meals and culinary stories
read by Udo Samel

by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, Alexandre Dumas, Wilhelm Busch, Anton Tschechow, W. Somerset Maugham, Jean Cocteau, Donna Leon, Günter Grass and others

arranged by Gerhard Ahrens

'First sort out the basic food position, then start your preaching, that's where it begins.'
Bertolt Brecht

What uncommon experience might have engendered the cry of "No more food!'? A fed-'upness with the kind of gluttony that can only end in death as depicted in the cinematic fat bomb La Grande Bouffe? Or the admonition to keep to a diet and to stop yourself from breaking it with a Lecter-style mask? Hardly. Ultimately, hunger is not the best sauce after all.

The literary meals served during this reading are not literally plated dishes for you to eat your fill but a select choice of delicacies in true wishing table form, a feast for the eyes and ears consumed with the decorum of refined literary table manners.

After the reading, the Neuhardenberg kitchen will serve a magnificent Easter dinner.

Udo Samel has been a member of the cast at Berlin's Schaubühne theatre and at the Burgtheater in Vienna, where he delivered celebrated performances under directors such as Peter Stein, Luc Bondy, Klaus Michael Grüber and Andrea Breth. Udo Samel also regularly appears in films and on television, most recently, for example, as the head of the murder squad in Babylon Berlin.